Punjab Free Tractors And Land Levelers Program

Free Tractors And Land Levelers

Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has launched the Punjab free tractors and land levelers scheme for the farmers of Punjab. Through this scheme, free tractors and laser land levelers will be given to the farmers.

These tractors and levelers will be given to those farmers who will cultivate wheat on their land. Therefore, those farmers of Punjab who want to cultivate wheat on their land should register themselves in the free tractor and land levellers Punjab scheme provided by the government. In the tractors and levelers scheme, tractors and land levelers are being given absolutely free by the Punjab government.

The farmer will not have to pay any fee to benefit from this scheme. These tractors and land levellers will be provided to the farmers in the form of prizes by the Punjab government. Farmers can benefit from this program through the draw. All those who cultivate wheat on their land can take advantage of this golden opportunity by registering themselves in this scheme launched by Punjab.

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Eligibility Criteria Of Free Tractors Land Levelers Program

If you also cultivate wheat on your land and want to register yourself in this scheme given by Maryam Nawaz. So you have to fulfill all the eligibility criteria given by the Punjab Government. Those farmers who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria will not be included in this scheme. So all those who want to apply for free tractors and land levelers should make sure that they are eligible according to all the conditions given in this program.

The eligibility criteria for the free tractor and land levelers scheme by the Punjab government are as follows.

  •  In order to join this program in this scheme, it is necessary that the farmer is a permanent resident of Punjab province.
  •  To avail the free tractors and land levelers provided by the Punjab government, the farmer must have an up-to-date national identity card.
  •  If a farmer cultivates wheat on 25 acres to 50 acres of land, he will be included in the loan of 1000 free tractor scheme from the government.
  •  Those farmers who cultivate wheat on 12.5 acres to 25 acres of land will be included in the scheme of free land levelers.

Online Registration Procedure For Program

You can register for free green tractors and land leveler schemes both offline and online. The online registration method is given below.

  • First, open the official website given by the Punjab government. An application form will appear there. Write your ID card number, mobile number, and information about your cultivated land in the application form.
  •  Express agreement with the terms and conditions given by the Punjab Government capture the code given below and put it in the box provided.
  • After that, click on the submit button and you will be successfully registered in the Punjab Wheat Cultivation Program.
  •  After the registration is completed, you will receive a message from the Punjab Particulate Department on the phone number given by you.
  •  In which you will be told that your application has been received and you will be contacted soon after confirming the information.

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Offline Registration Procedure Of Program

The offline registration procedure in the Chief Minister Punjab scheme is also very easy.To register in the program, first visit any nearest Deputy Director of Agriculture office of your district. Get your form filled by the representative there. Enter all your information on the form on which you have cultivated wheat. Also enter your ID card number and your phone number. Submit the form in the office of the Deputy Director of Agriculture. After submitting the form, you will be successfully registered for the Punjab Wheat Cultivation Program.

Advantages Of The Wheat Cultivation Program

In view of the low production of wheat, the Punjab Government has started the Punjab Wheat Cultivation Program under which the Punjab Government wants to ensure that the farmers are rewarded to encourage them to cultivate wheat on the fertile lands.

So that they are encouraged they cultivate more wheat. Cultivation of wheat The shortage of wheat in the province of Punjab will be met by the maximum cultivation of wheat. And the foreign exchange will be increased by exporting the extra wheat.In this way, the shortage of wheat in the entire country can be met. And farmers can also live their lives happily.

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Benefits And Facilities Of The Program 

The Punjab government will give free tractors and land levelers to the farmers through wheat cultivation program. Farmers cultivating wheat on 12.5 acres to 25 acres of land will also be included in the loan of 1000 land levelers.

Apart from this, farmers cultivating wheat from 25 to 50 acres will be given a share in the loan of 1000 tractors. Maryam Nawaz says that if more applications are received than the set target, they will arrange the draw soon. The Punjab government will give 1000 free tractors and land levelers to those farmers whose names will be drawn. You can also benefit from this scheme by joining this program.

پنجاب حکومت گندم کی کاشت کے پروگرام کے ذریعے کسانوں کو مفت ٹریکٹر اور لینڈ لیولرز دے گی۔ 12.5 ایکڑ سے 25 ایکڑ اراضی پر گندم کاشت کرنے والے کسانوں کو بھی 1000 لینڈ لیولرز کے قرض میں شامل کیا جائے گا۔ اس کے علاوہ 25 سے 50 ایکڑ تک گندم کاشت کرنے والے کسانوں کو 1000 ٹریکٹروں کے قرض میں حصہ دیا جائے گا۔ مریم نواز کا کہنا ہے کہ مقررہ ہدف سے زیادہ درخواستیں موصول ہوئیں تو جلد قرعہ اندازی کا انتظام کریں گے۔ جن کاشتکاروں کے نام قرعہ اندازی ہوں گے ان کو حکومت پنجاب 1000 مفت ٹریکٹر اور لینڈ لیولر دے گی۔ آپ بھی اس پروگرام میں شامل ہو کر اس سکیم سے فائدہ اٹھا سکتے ہیں۔


If you are a farmer of Punjab and want to benefit from the free tractor and land leveller provided by the Punjab government, then you must meet the eligibility criteria. You need to cultivate wheat on 12.5 acres to get free land levelers from the Punjab government. Apart from this, if you want to get free from the Punjab government, you have to cultivate wheat on 25 to 50 acres of land.

So you have to fulfill all the eligibility criteria given by the Punjab Government. Those farmers who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria will not be included in this scheme. So all those who want to apply for free tractors and land levelers should make sure that they are eligible according to all the conditions given in this program.

1000 Free Tractors and Land levelers Online Registration Started – Apply Now

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