CM Punjab Green Tractor Scheme Balloting Results Updates

Maryam Nawaz Green Tractor Scheme (GTS)

The government of Punjab through the Maryam Nawaz Green Tractor Scheme is providing a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh to the people for getting a tractor so that the farmers who do not have a tractor for cultivating their land can get a tractor. The Punjab government says that they will provide tractors through the green tractor scheme only to those who have a plot of land ranging from 1 acre to 12 acres.

A subsidy of Rs 10 lakh will never be provided to a person who does not have agricultural land for getting a tractor, so only those who have land between 1 to 12 acres should register in the Green Tractor Scheme. The Punjab government has announced that it will provide a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh to only 9500 farmers out of all the applications received for the Green Tractor Scheme.

If more than 9500 applications are received, a blotting will be organized, and based on these blotting results farmers will be given a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh to get the tractor. In this article, you will be told when the green tractor scheme will be organized. How many farmers will be provided tractors through the Green Tractor Scheme? And how much subsidy will be provided on tractors? So keep your interest with the article.

CM Punjab Green Tractor Scheme Balloting Results Updates

Punjab Green Tractor Scheme Providing Affordable Tractors to Farmers

Green Tractor Scheme Balloting Date

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has announced that she will do the green tractor scheme balloting on October 20, 2024. She said that this blotting will be transparent and no rigging will be done in it so that every applicant should not imagine that the blotting is not done in a transparent manner.

Chief Minister of Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif will monitor the results of the blotting and this blotting will be done in front of all the people. Those whose name will come in the draw of the green tractor scheme will be given a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh by the Punjab government on the tractor of their choice.

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Number of Farmers Get the Benefit From Green Tractor Scheme

The Punjab government has so far received more than 1.5 million applications for the green tractor scheme, while the Punjab government had announced that out of all the applications received, only 9500 farmers would be able to get a subsidy of 10 lakh rupees on tractors through the green tractor scheme. Now on October 20, 2024, the Punjab government will conduct the balloting.

In this blotting, only 9500 farmers out of 15 lakh will be provided a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh by the government of Punjab. If your name is among these 9500 lucky people, then you too can get a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh on your favorite brand and favorite horsepower tractor from the government of Punjab.

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Green Tractor Scheme Subsidy Information

On getting a tractor through the Green Tractor Scheme, you will be provided with a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh only, that is, of the total cost of the tractor, only Rs 10 lakh will be paid by the Punjab government, and the remaining amount will have to be paid by you. The remaining amount of the tractor will have to be paid to you together, it will not be given to you in installments.

If you choose a good brand of your tractor and choose more horsepower, the price of your tractor will be higher. If you choose a popular brand of tractor and choose a low-power tractor, then the price of your tractor will be low.

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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

What is the Maryam Nawaz Green Tractor Scheme (GTS)?

The Green Tractor Scheme provides a subsidy of Rs 10 lakh to farmers with 1 to 12 acres of land for purchasing a tractor.

Who is eligible for the Green Tractor Scheme?

Farmers owning between 1 and 12 acres of agricultural land are eligible to apply.

How many farmers will receive the subsidy?

Only 9500 farmers will receive the Rs 10 lakh subsidy through the balloting process.

When will the Green Tractor Scheme balloting take place?

The balloting is scheduled for October 20, 2024.

Will the subsidy cover the entire cost of the tractor?

No, the subsidy is Rs 10 lakh. The remaining cost of the tractor must be paid by the farmer.

Will the payment for the remaining tractor cost be in installments?

No, the remaining amount must be paid in full by the farmer.

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The Green Tractor Scheme is being provided by the Government of Punjab to the farmers of Punjab who own 1 to 12 acres of agricultural land and who do not have a tractor to cultivate the agricultural land. Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that they will accept only 9500 applications out of 15 lakh applications given in the Green Tractor Scheme.

This acceptance will be done on the basis of balloting results, which will be presided over by the Chief Minister of the Punjab government, Maryam Nawaz Sharif herself so that there is no chance of any kind of fraud. The 9500 people whose names will be in this balloting will be given a subsidy of 10 lakh rupees by the Punjab government for getting the tractor. The remaining amount of the tractor will have to be paid by the farmers themselves without any installments.

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