Minority Card Online Registration Started For 50000 Minorities In Punjab

Minority Card Online Registration

The Minority Card has been formally launched by the Punjab Government. Through this card, 50 thousand needy minority families in Punjab will get financial assistance. Through this initiative, eligible families will also get a quarterly stipend for the program. The stipend amount is 10500 rupees. This program was started under the leadership of Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz. The program includes people from minority communities including Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and others. The objective of starting this program is to empower the people of the minority community.

Through this program, the lives of the people of the minority community will be made easier by helping them. The date of registration for minority cards has officially started. Registration in this program will be open from December 5 to January 5, 2024. People belonging to minority communities can do their online registration using the official portal. In order to register in the program, they will have to fulfill the eligibility criteria given by the Punjab government. If any family of a minority community does not meet the criteria of a program  then they cannot join this program.

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Key Features Of The Program

No Of Beneficiaries: 50,000 deserving families belonging to minority communities.

Amount Of Assistance: 10500 per quarter

Registration Interval: From December 5, 2024 to January 5, 2025

Helpline No: 1040

Official Web Portal: mcard.punjab.gov.pk

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Eligibility Criteria For Registration In Minority Card

Some criteria have been given by the Punjab government for registration in T card. Those who meet them can easily register in it. Eligibility criteria are as follows.

  • Applicants must be a permanent resident of Punjab.
  •  Applicant’s PMT score must be 45 or less.
  • Must not have received aid from any program before applying to join the program.
  •  It is necessary for the applicant to be the head of his family.
  •  To register, the applicant must have a verified identity card from NADRA and a mobile number in his name.
  • The applicant should belong to a minority community such as Christian Hindu Sikh or other minority community.

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Registration Portal For Minority Card

You can register for a minority card very easily. To register, you must first visit the official website of Minority Card. There you will see the sign up option on which you have to click the click up button. As soon as you click on the sign-in option, a form will open in front of you. This will be a registration form in which you have to choose your full name, your ID card number, your mobile SIM network, mobile number, your email address and your religion. After entering all the information, read it once so that there is no room for any kind of error in the information. If your information is correct then click on the register button. As soon as you click on the register button, your account will be created completely. After that, in the next step, you can submit your application for a minority card.

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Online Registration Process For Minority Card

The people of the minority community can easily register in the Minority Card at home. It is very important to create an account first to register. 

  • After creating an account, the first step is to login to the account. 
  • In which you enter your username and your password and after that you are logged into your account. 
  • As soon as you log in, a dashboard will open in front of you. 
  • You have to click on the New Application button in the dashboard. As soon as you click on the New Application button, a registration form will open in front of you. In which you have to enter all your basic information.
  • The basic information includes the name of the head of the family, his father’s name, his ID card number and the date of issue of the ID card. Gender, date of birth and religion have to be entered.
  • After that select your nationality and your place of birth,
  •  Enter your mobile number and your marital status. After entering all this information, you have to click on the Save and Next button.
  • Apart from this, the rest of your information such as any disability or any illness will be asked.
  •  You will be asked about your educational status.
  •  After that you have to tell your job status which job you have been doing for the last one month.
  •  Then you have to enter your complete address and after entering you have to click on the next button.
  • As soon as you click on the next button, the information you have entered will be displayed in front of you.
  •  Read this information carefully. If this information is correct then click on submit button to submit. 
  • Your application for a Minority Card will be forwarded to the Govt.

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Why Was The Minority Card issued?

The objective of launching the Minority Card is to give equal rights to the minority communities of Punjab like all other people. Because no sufficient attention is paid to the rights of the minority community. therefore. Keeping this in mind, a minority card was issued by the Punjab government. Under which the minorities will be given all the basic and complete rights from which they are basically deprived, financial assistance will be given to the minority families of Punjab through these cards and they will be given their full rights. It was decided to include 50 thousand poor families in the program under Minority Card. Those who will be registered in this program will get an installment of 10500 on quarterly basis.

اقلیتی کارڈ کے اجرا کا مقصد پنجاب کی اقلیتی برادریوں کو دیگر تمام لوگوں کی طرح مساوی حقوق دینا ہے۔ کیونکہ اقلیتی برادری کے حقوق پر کوئی خاطر خواہ توجہ نہیں دی جاتی۔ لہذا. اسی بات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے پنجاب حکومت کی جانب سے اقلیتی کارڈ جاری کیا گیا۔ جس کے تحت اقلیتوں کو وہ تمام بنیادی اور مکمل حقوق دیے جائیں گے جن سے وہ بنیادی طور پر محروم ہیں، ان کارڈز کے ذریعے پنجاب کے اقلیتی خاندانوں کی مالی مدد کی جائے گی اور انہیں ان کے مکمل حقوق دلوائے جائیں گے۔ اقلیتی کارڈ کے تحت 50 ہزار غریب خاندانوں کو پروگرام میں شامل کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا۔ اس پروگرام میں رجسٹرڈ ہونے والوں کو سہ ماہی بنیادوں پر 10500 کی قسط ملے گی۔

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The Minority Card has been formally launched by the Punjab Government. Under which the people of the backward minority communities will be helped. This program ensures that the deserving families in the minority community will get a stipend of 10,500 on a monthly basis, and they will not face difficulties to meet their needs. It has been decided to register 50 thousand families under this program. Minority communities including Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and other minority communities will be included in the Unity Card. Family members can submit their applications from December 5, 2024 to January 5, 2025. If you also belong to a minority family and fall short of the eligibility criteria, then you should register yourself in this program as soon as possible. So that you can also get financial assistance.

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